73. Unleashing the Power of Fractional Fundraising: A Conversation with Cindy Wagman

About this episode

As someone deeply immersed in the world of nonprofit fundraising for the past 25 years, I've witnessed the sector's evolution, its challenges, and the relentless passion that drives fundraisers to make a difference. Today, I want to take you on a journey through a revolutionary concept that has the potential to reshape the way we approach fundraising – Fractional Fundraising.

Navigating the Landscape of Nonprofit Fundraising

How many times have you felt the weight of limited resources, struggling to meet the growing demands of your nonprofit's mission? The nonprofit sector is no stranger to challenges, and as dedicated fundraisers, we've all encountered moments where the traditional approach seems insufficient. That's precisely why I sat down with the incredible Cindy Wagman, a fractional fundraising expert, to explore a concept that is gaining momentum and changing the game for nonprofits.

The Ripple Effect: Fractional Fundraising Unveiled

In our conversation, Cindy eloquently shared her insights on fractional fundraising – a concept designed to provide nonprofits access to specialized expertise without the hefty price tag. It's like having a skilled fundraising professional on your team, but only when you need them. The beauty of this model is its ability to create a ripple effect within your organization, unleashing a wave of positive impact.

Cindy's experience in leading The Good Partnership and advocating for fractional fundraising has unveiled success stories that defy conventional norms. Imagine bringing in a fractional fundraiser for a specific project, capital campaign, or even for elevating your storytelling game. Cindy argues that this approach not only amplifies your fundraising capabilities but also injects fresh perspectives and energy into your organization.

Breaking Free: Overcoming the Scarcity Mindset

During our conversation, Cindy highlighted a critical aspect – the scarcity mindset prevalent in the nonprofit sector. How many times have you hesitated to invest in fundraising resources due to budget constraints? The scarcity mindset can limit growth, stifle creativity, and hinder your ability to achieve the mission you're so passionate about.

Fractional fundraising serves as a liberating force against this scarcity mindset. It's about recognizing the value of expertise and understanding that investment in fundraising is an investment in your organization's future. Cindy's experiences and the success stories she shared underscore the transformative power of embracing abundance in the nonprofit sector.

Finding Your Secret Answer C: A Framework for Innovation

As Cindy delved into the concept of finding your "Secret Answer C," I couldn't help but draw parallels to my own journey in fundraising. Our brains are wired to think in binary – either this or that. But what if the solution lies in the unexplored territory, in blending the best of both worlds to create a new and innovative approach?

Fractional fundraising, in essence, is one such Secret Answer C for many organizations. It's not a compromise; it's a strategic choice that opens doors to new possibilities. As Cindy shared real-world examples, I found myself inspired by the courage of organizations willing to challenge the status quo, finding innovative ways to advance their missions.

The Future of Fundraising: Embracing Innovation

In wrapping up our conversation, Cindy shared her vision for the future of fractional fundraising. It's a concept still in its infancy, but one that holds immense promise. More fundraisers are exploring consulting roles, seeking flexibility and financial rewards beyond the traditional in-house positions.

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of the nonprofit sector, embracing innovation becomes paramount. Fractional fundraising, with its potential to expand organizational capacity and foster collaboration, emerges as a beacon of hope. The future may well see a shift in how nonprofits approach talent acquisition, with fractional executives becoming integral to achieving ambitious goals.

Your Invitation to Transform Fundraising

In this exploration of fractional fundraising with Cindy Wagman, we've uncovered a transformative concept that challenges norms, dispels the scarcity mindset, and opens doors to new possibilities. The conversation is a testament to the evolving nature of fundraising and the potential for innovation within the nonprofit sector.

I invite you to share your thoughts on this revolutionary approach in the comments below. Have you considered fractional fundraising for your organization, or do you have experiences to share? Let's create a dialogue that propels our collective understanding of how we can elevate nonprofit fundraising to new heights.

As you journey through this blog post, I promise you insights, inspiration, and a newfound perspective on the power of fractional fundraising. Share this post with your fellow fundraisers and nonprofit leaders – let's spark a movement toward innovation in the world of fundraising.

Keep transforming and elevating your fundraising efforts, my friends.

With heaps of gratitude,
Tammy Zonker

Our guest

Cindy Wagman, President, Cindy Wagman Consulting

“The best fundraisers are ones who are curious and excited about the work.”

Cindy Wagman, President, Cindy Wagman Consulting

Resources mentioned in this episode      

Confessions with Jess and Cindy podcast

Fractional Fundraiser Network

Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

Accelerate Conference

Creative Deviations: How you can infuse your storytelling, fundraising and direct response with more creativity by John Lepp

Get That Money, Honey!: The No-Bullsh*t Guide to Raising More Money For Your Nonprofit by Rhea Wong



Connect with our guest online

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74. Unlocking the Secrets of Nonprofit Marketing Success


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