77. Community Catalysts: Inspiring Change with Floyd Jones

About this episode

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the demands of fundraising? Found yourself in the trenches of fundraising, grappling with limited resources and a million and one tasks? Perhaps you've questioned whether your efforts truly make a difference in the world. It's a sentiment shared by many in the nonprofit sector, including myself. But what if I told you that there's a transformative approach to philanthropy that can reignite your passion and drive real change in your community?

In this article, I'm excited to dive deep into the world of community-driven philanthropy with insights from my conversation with the amazing Floyd Jones, a remarkable individual with a passion for empowering communities. As a fundraising expert and advocate for social change, Floyd's journey is not just inspiring but also a testament to the power of grassroots movements and collective action.

Embracing the Power of People

At the heart of community-driven philanthropy lies the belief that people are the most valuable asset in any fundraising endeavor. Unlike traditional fundraising models that rely heavily on institutional support, community-driven initiatives empower individuals to become active participants in the change-making process.

Floyd emphasizes the importance of building genuine connections with your community, whether it's through volunteer engagement, board involvement, or grassroots campaigns. By fostering meaningful relationships and tapping into the collective wisdom of your supporters, you can create a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond your organization's immediate reach.

Floyd's journey with GiveButter, a comprehensive fundraising platform, unfolds like a masterclass in community-centric fundraising. Starting with events to bring people together, evolving into peer-to-peer software that relies on individuals to spread the word, and now a robust platform offering CRM, messaging, and more. His story echoes a crucial lesson: start with people because people are your power.

Community as a Catalyst for Growth

During our conversation, Floyd highlighted the invaluable role community plays as a catalyst for growth. He narrates an inspiring success story – the L-CMD Research Foundation led by Hannah. Facing the challenge of her son's rare genetic disease and the lack of support from traditional avenues, Hannah embraced her community. Through relentless efforts, knocking on doors, engaging businesses, and leveraging her network, she mobilized support and raised over two million dollars for the foundation.

In today's interconnected world, social movements have the potential to amplify voices, challenge systemic injustices, and drive meaningful progress. By harnessing the collective energy of like-minded individuals, fundraisers can leverage their networks to effect change on a larger scale.

The key takeaway? Passion, combined with community mobilization, is an unstoppable force. This isn't just about hope; it's about creating platforms for people to leverage their networks collectively. Floyd's story emphasizes that effective fundraising isn't just about receiving; it's about creating spaces for transformation and impact.

Championing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Floyd doesn't just talk about community; he embodies it. Recognized with the Anthem Award for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Floyd's commitment to amplifying underrepresented voices is awe-inspiring. The success of his award-winning campaign during Black Philanthropy Month is a testament to the impact when communities come together.

Starting an initiative at GiveButter for Black Philanthropy Month, Floyd aimed to address the stark underfunding of Black-led nonprofits. Collaborating with partners like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Giving, and Network for Good, they raised a staggering 1.3 million dollars for 770 Black-led nonprofits in four weeks. 

The lesson here is profound – diversity isn't just a checkbox; it's a wellspring of strength and potential. Through intentional efforts to foster diversity and equity, organizations can build stronger, more resilient communities that reflect the richness of human experience.

Words of Wisdom and Encouragement

Floyd leaves us with powerful words of wisdom. He urges us to take a moment and ask ourselves, "What is my best?" Emphasizing that courage thrives outside our comfort zones, he encourages everyone to do their best and take the next step. This isn't about climbing mountains overnight but about the cumulative impact of small steps taken with intention.

Embark on this journey with me and Floyd Jones, where we explore the transformative power of community-driven philanthropy. Learn from real stories and gain actionable insights that can elevate your fundraising game. Let's move beyond conventional approaches, embracing community engagement, diversity, and a mindset of empowerment. 

By sharing our knowledge, experiences, and resources with aspiring fundraisers and nonprofit leaders, we can create a legacy of impact that extends far beyond our own lifetimes. Together, we can inspire a new wave of social entrepreneurs who are passionate about creating a more just and equitable world.

Feel inspired? Share your thoughts below, and don't forget to pass on this wisdom to fellow fundraisers and nonprofit leaders. Let's amplify our collective impact and create a ripple effect of positive change.

With boundless gratitude,
Tammy Zonker

Our guest

Floyd Jones, Director of Community & Partnerships, Givebutter

“I don't want you to burn out. I want you to burn down these systems that are keeping us down.”

Floyd Jones, Director of Community & Partnerships, Givebutter

Resources mentioned in this episode      

L-CMD Research Foundation

The Anthem Awards

Transform24 aka Fundraising Transformation Virtual Summit

Nonprofit Marketing Summit

Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

Collaborative Conference by Classy

Black Philanthropy Month

From Generosity to Justice: A New Gospel of Wealth by Darren Walker

Connect with our guest online

LinkedIn / Twitter / Facebook / Instagram / TikTok / YouTube / Website


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78. The Transformative Power of Immersive Storytelling


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